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DROP OUT TO STAND OUT By Adewale Ayantoye

It took me years to come to reality that doing what others are doing might make you great but it does not mean you will stand out, in fact  the best you will be is to live in the shadow of the achievements of other people. Looking back to my days as a young boy in primary school I remember how we were made to fall in line on the assembly ground every morning with the Head teacher standing right in front of us, at the end of our morning devotion and it is time for her to pass her comment  she will base her assessment on the first ten Students on the line forgetting to take into recognition those of us that are always at the middle of the line or my faithful friends who always fall at the back line, do not think we were not serious or those on the front line were better, I think majorly it has to do with the fact that I had to trek a long distance to get to School compared to my those that comes to School in private Cars. Today I realised that if we have had that courage to drop out of that line I am very sure we would have caught the attention of our head teacher. 
I know many Students and professionals reading this write up might actually be thinking I am encouraging them to drop out of School or drop out of that job, my dear you are wrong but I have come to tell you today, that those few standing in the front roll on the assembly ground were actually the few ones that life favoured but those at the middle line are people that life has given the courage to dare. Now you are thinking why your life has been moving in a circle without any significant change? It is because you have not risk to drop out that is why you have not stand out.
Right now the question that might be coming to your mind is how can I drop out to stand out? Have you not noticed that those that have stood out during their time were actually people that dropped out? Don’t you think it is time you drop out of the usual way of thinking? In Nigeria where I Schooled it is not a strange thing to see undergraduates telling you when he or she graduate they will serve, after service he or she will work for about two years and get married. Have you not noticed that such people will never stand out because they have failed to drop out? The best of invention were products of the mind set of people who decided to drop out of the usual way of thinking. I am very sure when the Air plane was about to be invented some people would have said it is not possible, but those that went to the moon, those that invented cars, ships, mobile phones, televisions, internet, just to mention but a few, were people that dropped out of the usual thinking of their time and decided to wait at the future.
What are you waiting for? Don’t you think it is time DROP OUT TO STAND OUT?